<EPJ Web of Conference Manuscript>
We open the manuscript submission to EPJ Web of Conference of the EC-22 papers.
You should use the following link to proceed the manuscript submission.
The deadline for manuscript submission: June 24, 2024
Papers are reviewed by the Scientific Committee, who may call on other experts. On successful review they are made available on-line via EPJ, Web Conferences. In order to meet the dead-lines for this process, it is recommended that the manuscripts are submitted through the Indico (https://indico.kps.or.kr/event/52/).
<Manuscript preparation>
Please check the manuscript preparation in the page of the new site (https://indico.kps.or.kr/event/52/).
The page limit is 8 journal pages for invited talks and 6 journal pages for orals and poster, and the paper should be longer than an abstract or a short report (4 pages min).
EPJ provides templates, and the authors should use the templates.