2:00 PM
Low-threshold two-plasmon parametric decay at a monotonic density profile in X2 ECRH experiments
Alexei Popov
2:20 PM
ECCD studies for EU-DEMO plasmas
Emanuele Poli
3:00 PM
ECCD from the ITER Upper Launcher: a sensitivity study
Lorenzo Figini
(Institute for Plasma Science and Technology - National Research Council, Milan, Italy)
4:00 PM
ITER ECH&CD Transmission Line Layout Development
Zachary Wolfe
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
4:10 PM
A study of high-power microwave transmission capability for corrugated waveguide transmission line
Guoyao Fan
(Southwestern Institute of physics)
4:10 PM
Quasi-Optical Mode Converter and Broadband MOU for Multi-Frequency / Multi-Purpose Gyrotron
Jianbo Jin
4:10 PM
Recent Results from Electron Cyclotron Emission (ECE) Radiometer diagnostics in the presence of Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECRH)
Varsha Siju
(Institute for Plasma Research)
4:10 PM
Design, Development and Characterization of Indigenously Developed High Temperature Black Body Source for Calibration of ECE Diagnostics
Abhishek Sinha
(Institute for Plasma Research)
4:10 PM
Pre-Concept Development of STEP Heating and Current Drive System
steven craig
4:10 PM
The commissioning of the a microwave diagnostic - SAMI-2: Synthetic Aperture Microwave Imaging
Ben Pritchard
(University of York)
4:10 PM
Optical testing and database establishment of ECEI on HL-3
KeXi Han
(Southwestern institute of physics)
4:30 PM
Low-power validation of dual frequency gyrotron mode converter launcher
JinHo Lim
4:40 PM
Breaking Symmetry in Gyrotrons by Schroeder Diffusor Structures
Heinrich Laqua
(Max-Planck-Institut for Plasma Physics, Greifswald, Germany)
4:40 PM
Development of Large Area Diamond Window for High Power RF/Microwave Systems
Vraj Trivedi
4:40 PM
Development of a dual-frequency gyrotron operating at 142/208 GHz
TaeGyu Han
(Department of Physics, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan, Korea)
4:40 PM
Design of a Quasi-optical Notch Filter at 170 GHz for ITER ECE Diagnostic
Suman Danani
(ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research)
4:40 PM
Tuning the absorbing properties of Al2O3-TiO2 layers
Andreas Hentrich
4:40 PM
Study on a higher order mode generation in a coaxial cavity at dual frequencies of 142 GHz & 208 GHz
JinHo Lim
4:40 PM
Analysis of KSTAR electron cyclotron heating efficiency by comparing measurements and GENRAY simulations
Jiho Park
(Hanyang university)
4:40 PM
Application of Deep Learning for Alignment of Higher Order Mode Generators for Gyrotrons
Edrick Baijukya
(Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
4:40 PM
Nonlinear Landau damping of electron Bernstein waves in MAST-U
Mads Senstius
(University of Oxford)
4:40 PM
First 1 MW gyrotron for COMPASS Upgrade ECRH system
Ondrej Bogar
(Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
4:40 PM
Electromagnetic Simulations of the ITER Upper Launcher
Paola Platania
(ISTP - CNR (Italy))
4:40 PM
Upgradation of ECRH system for SST-1
Braj Shukla
(Institute for Plasma Research, India)
4:40 PM
Overview of DTT ECH antennae design and challenges
Francesco Fanale
(Institute for Plasma Science and Technology – National Research Council)
4:40 PM
Structural Thermal Optical Performance (STOP) analysis method for optical components of megawatt electron cyclotron heating systems
Jorn Veenendaal
4:40 PM
ITER ECH Transmission Line System Design and Status
Gregory Hanson
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)