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22–26 Apr 2024
Ramada Hotel, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Pre-Concept Development of STEP Heating and Current Drive System

23 Apr 2024, 14:00
Royal Ball Room (Ramada Hotel, Daejeon, Republic of Korea)

Royal Ball Room

Ramada Hotel, Daejeon, Republic of Korea


steven craig (UKAEA)


This is an abstract for a poster presentation on the STEP HCD System design.

The Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP) device aims at net energy production. The primary aim of the Heating and Current Drive (HCD) system is to drive plasma current. A pure microwave HCD system was selected with two potential non-inductive operating configurations: (1) Electron Cyclotron (EC) and (2) a combination of EC and Electron Bernstein Wave (EBW). A spectrum of frequencies (between 90 and 210GHz) is used to maximise the driven current. The total installed power is expected to be 336MW to ensure sufficient redundancy for component failures, variations in plasma temperatures and density, compatibility with either EC or EC+EBW scenarios, and for pure heating.

Option-engineering assessments have been carried out on each sub system to find the optimal design solutions to meet the key requirements. The assessments have led to a preferred pre-concept design on the HCD System with gaps in technology identified for future development. This Poster will describe the current preferred pre-concept design for the HCD System Hardware.

Primary author

steven craig (UKAEA)

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