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30 May 2022 to 4 June 2022
Virtual Seoul
Asia/Seoul timezone

Non-standard interactions at NOvA

Not scheduled
Virtual Seoul

Virtual Seoul

Poster BSM searches in neutrinos Poster


Non-standard interactions (NSI) are an extension of the neutrino matter effect leading to interesting phenomenology. NSI might also explain recent differences between NOvA and T2K oscillation results. We investigate the effects of the complex, off-diagonal, flavor-changing parameters $\varepsilon_{e\mu}$, $\varepsilon_{e\tau}$, and $\varepsilon_{\mu\tau}$, along with their corresponding CP-violating phases, $\delta_{e\mu}$, $\delta_{e\tau}$, and $\delta_{\mu\tau}$, respectively, as well as their correlation with the standard oscillation parameters $\Delta m^2_{32}$, $\sin^2\theta_{23}$, and $\delta_{CP}$. Many oscillation measurements are made in the presence of matter effects, and therefore include possible NSI effects. We discuss removing this bias by using reactor-only constraints on oscillation parameters to which NOvA is not sensitive. Additionally, NSI parameters are highly degenerate with other oscillation parameters, making fitting difficult. As such, we also discuss strategies which improve fits.

Collaboration NOvA Collaboration

Primary authors

Jeffrey Kleykamp (University of Mississippi) Luiz Prais (University of Mississippi) Gavin Davies (University of Mississippi) Mario Acero Ortega (University of Atlántico)

Presentation materials