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30 May 2022 to 4 June 2022
Virtual Seoul
Asia/Seoul timezone

Results of the search for an anomalous excess of charged-current electron neutrino interactions without pions in the final state with the MicroBooNE detector

Not scheduled
Virtual Seoul

Virtual Seoul

Poster Sterile neutrinos Poster


MicroBooNE is a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber detector designed to address the excess of low energy electromagnetic events observed by the MiniBooNE detector. Electron neutrinos can create a wide variety of topologies when interacting in liquid argon; this analysis measures events with no pions, both with (1eNp0π) and without (1e0p0π) visible protons. This poster presents a first measurement of pionless charged-current electron neutrino interactions from the Booster Neutrino Beam at Fermilab in the MicroBooNE detector. A model based on the MiniBooNE result is used to quantify the strength of the electron neutrino excess. The analysis suggests that if an excess is present, it is not consistent with a simple scaling of the electron-neutrino contribution to the flux. Combined, the 1eNp0π and 1e0p0π channels do not give a conclusive indication about the tested model, but separately they both disfavor the low-energy excess model at >90% CL. The observation in the most sensitive 1eNp0π channel is below the prediction and consistent with no excess. In the less sensitive 1e0p0π channel the observation at low energy is above the prediction, while overall there is agreement over the full energy spectrum.

Collaboration MicroBooNE

Primary author

Ivan Caro Terrazas (Colorado State University)

Presentation materials