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30 May 2022 to 4 June 2022
Virtual Seoul
Asia/Seoul timezone

Measuring Neutrino Oscillations with A Million Atmospheric Neutrino

Not scheduled
Virtual Seoul

Virtual Seoul

Poster Neutrino oscillation Poster


Pablo Fernandez Menendez (DIPC)


We analyze the sensitivity achievable by the current and near-future water(ice)-Cherenkov atmospheric neutrino experiments in the context of standard three-flavor neutrinos oscillations.
In this study, we perform an in-depth analysis of the current shared systematic uncertainties, which arise from the common flux and neutrino-water interactions.
We then implement the systematic uncertainties of each experiment and develop the atmospheric neutrino simulations for Super-Kamiokande (SK), with and without neutron-tagging capabilities (SuperK-Gd), IceCube-Upgrade, and ORCA experiments.
A careful review of the synergies and features of these experiments is carried out to examine the potential of a joint analysis of these atmospheric neutrino data in resolving the $\theta_{23}$ octant and the neutrino mass ordering.
Finally, we assess the capability to constraint $\theta_{13}$ and the CP-violating phase ($\delta_{CP}$) in the leptonic sector independently from reactor and accelerator neutrino data.

Primary authors

Prof. Carlos Arguelles Delgado (Harvard University) Mr Miaochen Jin (Harvard University) Dr Ivan Martinez-Soler (Harvar University) Pablo Fernandez Menendez (DIPC)

Presentation materials