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30 May 2022 to 4 June 2022
Virtual Seoul
Asia/Seoul timezone

Discovering the Majorana nature via neutrino oscillation

Not scheduled
Virtual Seoul

Virtual Seoul

Poster Neutrino oscillation Poster


Félix Napoleón Díaz Desposorio (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú)


We show that the crucial measurement of the CP violation phase ($\delta_{\mathrm{CP}}$), planned to be performed at the DUNE experiment, can be spoiled if we assume the decoherence phenomena in nature, with sizeable effects. Considering this framework, we find that the $\sin^2{\theta_{13}}$ and $\delta_{\mathrm{CP}}$ can be distorted from the current best-fit values. The discrepancies for $\delta_{\mathrm{CP}}$ can reach values up to $ 4.34 \sigma (5.47 \sigma)$, for a decoherence magnitude of $\Gamma = 2.5 (3.5) \times 10^{-24} \ \mathrm{GeV}$ and a value of $\phi_1=1.5 \pi$ for the Majorana phase. Furthermore, we analyze the ability of DUNE to measure the Majorana phase, obtaining a precision of $23(21)\%$ for a decoherence parameter $\Gamma=4.5(5.5)\times 10^{-24} \ \mathrm{GeV} $ and a Majorana phase $\phi_1=1.5\pi$. In this way, we have introduced a rather novel possibility for elucidating a non-null Majorana phase.

This work is based on PhysRevD.105.035010

Primary author

Félix Napoleón Díaz Desposorio (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú)


Juan Carlos Carrasco Martinez (University of California, Berkeley) Alberto Gago Medina (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú)

Presentation materials