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The Korean Physical Society 06130 22, Teheran-ro 7-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 610 Representation : Suk Lyun HONG TEL: 02-556-4737 FAX: 02-554-1643 E-mail : webmaster@kps.or.kr Copyright(C) KPS, All rights reserved.
30 May 2022 to 4 June 2022
Virtual Seoul
Asia/Seoul timezone

Commissioning of the SuperNEMO Demonstrator: A Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Experiment

Not scheduled
Virtual Seoul

Virtual Seoul

Poster Neutrinoless double beta decay Poster


Malak HOBALLAH (IJCLAB) Xalbat Aguerre (CNRS) Mr William Quinn (UCL)


SuperNEMO is a neutrinoless double beta decay (0$\nu\beta\beta$) experiment, whose demonstrator module is located under the Frejus mountain in Modane, France, below 4800 m.w.e. It uses a unique technology combining a tracker and a calorimeter that allows it to unambiguously identify the two individual double-beta electrons, measure each particle's energy and their angular correlation. It aims to achieve an ultra-low background level of $<10^{-4}$\,events/(keV.kg.yr), with an exposure of 17.5\,kg.y of $^{82}$Se. We also expect to be sensitive to 0$\nu\beta\beta$ half-lifes of $<4 \times 10^{24}$ years, corresponding to an effective Majorana mass of $\vert m_{\beta\beta}\vert$ < (260-500)\,meV (90$\,\%$ CL). We will as well make detailed measurements of the 2$\nu\beta\beta$, using all observables provided by this tracko-calo experiment, to constrain processes beyond Standard Model : Majoron, bosonic neutrino, Lorentz violation. We will also infer constrain of the axial-vector quenching constant, whose insufficient knowledge is a source of uncertainty for the 2$\nu\beta\beta$ search.

SuperNEMO's calorimeter was commissioned in 2018 and since then, analyses were performed to calibrate the detector module in energy and time. This ensured that $98\%$ of its 712 optical modules met our performance goals for gain and background level. Additionally, synchronisation of the optical modules in time achieved a precision better than 0.2 ns on the measured time difference, enough to make background rejections using time of flight calculations. The time resolution was calculated to be $\sim$ 600 ps for gammas at 1 MeV.

Tracker commissioning began in September 2021. Initial data has enabled the tuning of gains and thresholds for performance optimisation and also validation that the detector is functioning with a high efficiency. Several studies are underway; these include the mapping and equalisation of the electric field by standardising plasma propagation time, HV stabilisation investigation, and evaluation of the spatial resolution with tracks. Additional commissioning is planned for calibration with $^{207}$Bi sources.

In September 2021, the calorimeter and the tracker were operated for the first time together. We have successfully demonstrated that we can clearly identify the individual electron tracks in double-beta-like events.

Collaboration SuperNEMO Collaboration

Primary authors

Presentation materials