The Korean Physical Society 06130 22, Teheran-ro 7-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 610 Representation : Suk Lyun HONG TEL: 02-556-4737 FAX: 02-554-1643 E-mail : Copyright(C) KPS, All rights reserved.
30 May 2022 to 4 June 2022
Virtual Seoul
Asia/Seoul timezone

Results of the search for resonant absorbtion of $^{7}$Li solar axions using the CUPID-Mo data

Not scheduled
Virtual Seoul

Virtual Seoul

Poster Neutrinoless double beta decay Poster


Toby Dixon (IJCLab)


Axions are a hypothetical particle which can help solve the strong CP problem in quantum chromodynamics and could be a possible dark matter candidate. Axions could be produced by $^{7}$Li nuclei in the sun and due to doppler broadening these axions could then be detected on earth using a source containing $^{7}$Li. In this poster, we report the results of a search for $^{7}$Li solar axions with the CUPID-Mo experiment. CUPID-Mo is a neutrinoless double beta decay experiment using Lithium Molbydate (LMO) crystals operated as cryogenic calorimeters. Additionally, a large mass of $^{7}$Li available in detectors with very good energy resolution enables a sensitive search for axions. These results help close a gap in the excluded axion mass range from experiments using $^{57}$Fe/$^{83}$Kr detectors, which is sensitive to smaller axion mass, and $^{7}$Li, sensitive to higher mass.

Collaboration CUPID-Mo

Primary author

Toby Dixon (IJCLab)

Presentation materials