The MINER$\nu$A experiment was designed to perform precision studies of neutrino-nucleus scattering in the GeV regime on various nuclear targets using the high-intensity NuMI beam at Fermilab. This poster outlines the current progress on MINER$\nu$A's first inclusive charged-current analysis of antineutrino interactions on iron, lead, and water using antineutrino energy and Bjorken $x$. The interactions on carbon and hydrocarbon are also reported. The results use data produced in the NuMI beamline with antineutrino beam peak energy of approximately $6$ GeV taken from 2016 to 2019. The measurements utilize events of energies $2$ $<$ E $<$ $50$ GeV. The event selection and the background prediction related to the complex structure of the target region and machine-learning reconstruction of the interaction vertex are presented. The importance of the Bjorken $x$ variable to investigate nuclear modifications and the challenges of unfolding in $x$ are discussed. The analysis will provide high-statistics, self-contained studies of nuclear effects and nuclear dependence, and comparisons to the current neutrino interaction generators such as GENIE.
Collaboration | MINERvA |