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30 May 2022 to 4 June 2022
Virtual Seoul
Asia/Seoul timezone

IsoDAR@Yemilab – A definitive search for exotic neutrinos and other BSM physics

Not scheduled
Virtual Seoul

Virtual Seoul

Poster Sterile neutrinos Poster


Sunny Seo (IBS) Prof. Joshua Spitz (University of Michigan) Daniel Winklehner (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


The IsoDAR neutrino source comprises a novel compact cyclotron capable of delivering 10 mA of 60 MeV protons in cw mode and a high-power neutrino production target. It has obtained preliminary approval to run at the new underground facility Yemilab in South Korea. IsoDAR will produce a very pure, isotropic $\bar{\nu}_e$ source, with peak neutrino energy around 6 MeV and endpoint around 15 MeV. Paired with a kton-scale detector like the planned Liquid Scintillator Counter (LSC) at Yemilab, IsoDAR can measure $\bar{\nu}_e$ disappearance through the inverse beta decay (IBD) channel. We expect about $1.67\cdot10^6$ IBD events, and ~7000 $\bar{\nu}_e$ - $e^-$ elastic scatter events in the LSC in five years of running. This paper presents an overview of the IsoDAR experiment to be installed at Yemilab. We briefly introduce the novel cyclotron design that lets us reach this $\bar{\nu}_e$ source intensity, the target, and the layout at Yemilab. We further describe the potential physics reach of IsoDAR@Yemilab. The unique capability of IsoDAR@Yemilab to continuously measure the oscillation probability up to L(m)/E(MeV) ≈ 8 allows us to distinguish many different models for light, sterile neutrinos, including wavepacket effects and neutrino decay. Furthermore, we expect a ×5 improvement on existing limits for non-standard interactions (NSI). Finally, IsoDAR@Yemilab is sensitive to new particles produced in the target (such as a light X boson, that decays to $\bar{\nu}_e\nu_e$).

Collaboration IsoDAR

Primary authors

Sunny Seo (IBS) Prof. Joshua Spitz (University of Michigan) Daniel Winklehner (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Presentation materials