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30 May 2022 to 4 June 2022
Virtual Seoul
Asia/Seoul timezone

Physics sensitivity studies with the ND280 Upgrade

Not scheduled
Virtual Seoul

Virtual Seoul

Poster Neutrino interactions Poster


The T2K experiment is in the process of upgrading its off-axis near detector, ND280, in preparation for its second data-taking phase. A key component of the Upgrade is the addition of a new 3D fine grained scintillating hydrocarbon detector (SuperFGD), which will double the near detector fiducial mass. The SuperFGD will be sandwiched between two horizontal Time Projection Chambers (TPCs), and the ensemble will be surrounded by 6 scintillating Time-of-Flight (ToF) planes. The upgraded near detector will thus be able to achieve full polar angle acceptance, and will also have reduced particle detection thresholds, notably for protons. One of the main goals of the ND280 Upgrade project is to constrain systematic uncertainties related to the neutrino flux and interactions for the measurement of neutrino oscillation parameters at T2K. The detector's capabilities will give access to a detailed description of the final state of neutrino interactions, as well as to a plethora of new, powerful variables allowing to probe nuclear effects in neutrino interactions.

This poster aims to present an overview of physics sensitivity studies conducted in preparation for the upgrade. These include studies of the Upgrade's sensitivity to transverse kinematic imbalance; the SuperFGD capability to detect neutrons and use them to isolate a sample enriched in neutrino interactions on hydrogen; multi-dimensional analyses to constrain systematic errors related to neutrino flux and interaction modelling; studies on nucleon FSI; an insight into electron-neutrino cross-sections with the SuperFGD. Some of these studies are described in more detail in dedicated posters.

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