The J-PARC Sterile Neutrino Search at the J-PARC Spallation Neutron Source
(JSNS2) began taking data in 2020 with DAQ electronics donated by the Double
Chooz experiment. The Double Chooz electronics, however, were not designed for
a beam based experiment and are not sensitive across the entire energy range of
interest for JSNS2). I have helped develop upgrade ATCA-based DAQ system that
can digitize & read out the JSNS2) PMT array at 500MSPS with an effective
13-bit resolution. The system also offers a sophisticated trigger system that
can adjust thresholds dynamically to optimize experimental sensitivity while
maintaining an acceptable data rate. The upgrade electronics will enhance our
physics capabilities by providing excellent efficiency and resolution over a
large energy range.
Collaboration | JSNS2 |