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The Korean Physical Society 06130 22, Teheran-ro 7-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 610 Representation : Suk Lyun HONG TEL: 02-556-4737 FAX: 02-554-1643 E-mail : webmaster@kps.or.kr Copyright(C) KPS, All rights reserved.
30 May 2022 to 4 June 2022
Virtual Seoul
Asia/Seoul timezone

On the discrepancy between HESE and the trought going neutrino muon spectra in ICECUBE

Not scheduled
Virtual Seoul

Virtual Seoul

Poster Atmospheric neutrinos Poster


Nearly a decade ago ICECUBE detected a first, unexpected, neutrino cascades at PeV energy. A few of such PeVs and more hundred TeVs spherical showers in ice were found, probing a sudden neutrino flavor switch: from an atmospheric muon dominated signal around TeV energies toward an electron, neutral current and (maybe) tau neutrino rule above several tens TeVs energy. This change, or revolution (1) had been understood as the rise of the (long desired) Astrophysical Neutrino Astronomy. The more recent, probable AGN gamma early association with an 2017 ICECUBE event, had reinforced this widely accepted interpretation. However we noted and claimed that the ICECUBE discover of the noisy charm atmospheric injection (2) is better explaining the long list of uncorrelated sources as well as the same observed new flavor change. Indeed the same early ICECUBE data on the flavor composition (2015-2017) had been pointing clearly to a neutrino flavor composition (Nu_e, Nu_mu, Nu_tau) = (0.51:0.49:0), as it is prescribed by the dominant charm atmospheric signature, not by the main astrophysical one : (Nu_e, Nu_mu, Nu_tau) = (1:1:1) . The more recent ICECUBE data since 2018 up 2022 appeared, surprisingly, (following ICECUBE) to favor a totally different composition. Indeed the first two tau neutrino events, a very necessary proof for a neutrino astronomy, appeared; but both of them still are too rare and difficult to accept. Moreover the rate of HESE (High Energy Starting Event) exibith a spectra index (near 3) in quite disagreement with the complementary throught going muons spectra (near 2.2), muons originated outside the ICECUBE detector. The Glashow resonant event at 6.3 PeV, partially contained in ICECUBE, have been the last ICECUBE record in these energy edges. At higher energy, above ten PeV, there might be an (unexplained) energy cut off in the neutrino spectra. We offer here an new explanation, consistent with an atmospheric charm ruling noise model, as well compatible with the above puzzling data.

Primary author

Daniele Fargion (MIFP:Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics, Rome, Italy)

Presentation materials