Icecube neutrino detector in last decade recorded an abundant noisy atmospheric rain of upward, contained, muon track neutrinos, up to TeVs energy. Their overabundance over electron atmospheric showers or cascade ones, had been well tested. Above tens TeV energy, the sudden overcome of shower or cascades rain, even within PeV energy (2013), the high energy starting events, HESE, more abundant than the muon neutrino tracks, probed the change of flavor composition and suggested the rise of a neutrino astronomy. An additional, unique, probable correlation with an AGN (2017) neutrino event with its early gamma activity, made most convinced of these HESE Astrophysical Nature.
However, after a decade, a wide list of puzzles and contradictory events led us to consider a quite different reading key. Its consequence led us to discover a totally new different selection tool able to filter only a few, but guaranteed astrophysical events.