JUNO is a multipurpose observatory under preparation in China. JUNO's physics reach will span many areas, amongst which precision neutrino oscillation measurements using reactor neutrinos, solar, atmospheric and geoneutrino related measurements.
The JUNO detector is buried 700m deep to reduce the atmospheric muon flux crossing the detector. This is essential to limit the impact of atmospheric muon induced backgrounds, such as from cosmogenic isotopes produced in the target volume that then go on to decay miming the inverse beta decay (IBD) signature used to identify $\bar\nu_e$. Despite the reduction to this background from the overburden, the cosmogenic background remains larger than the neutrino sample unless specific requirements are put to reject IBD candidates appearing close to muon tracks passing through the detector. The JUNO veto system has the goal of tracking those muons and precisely measuring their flux to make it possible for the suppression of muon induced backgroud to be effective for physics analysis. The Top Tracker (TT) is part of the veto system, along with the Water Cherenkov Detector (WCD) which surounds the Central Detector.
The TT uses the plastic scintillator modules of the Target Tracker of OPERA to build a 3 layer tracker covering about 60% of the surface above the WCD, which make it possible for the TT to track 1/3 of the muons crossing the detector. In order to be able to re-use the OPERA Target Tracker modules in JUNO it was required to develop a new electronics readout system to deal with the high radioactivity noise from the JUNO rock, which is about 100 times more radioactivity than the rock from Gran Sasso where OPERA was located. With a median angular resolution of about 0.2$^\circ$, the TT can also provide precisely reconstructed muons that can be used to calibrate and tune the reconstruction of the other parts of JUNO.
This poster will discuss the status of the JUNO Top Tracker along with its performance.
Collaboration | JUNO |