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The Korean Physical Society 06130 22, Teheran-ro 7-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 610 Representation : Suk Lyun HONG TEL: 02-556-4737 FAX: 02-554-1643 E-mail : webmaster@kps.or.kr Copyright(C) KPS, All rights reserved.
30 May 2022 to 4 June 2022
Virtual Seoul
Asia/Seoul timezone

Search for high-energy neutrino emission from hard X-ray AGN

Not scheduled
Virtual Seoul

Virtual Seoul

Poster Astrophysical neutrinos Poster


Sreetama Goswami (The University of Alabama)


The IceCube Neutrino Observatory has detected a diffuse flux of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos in the TeV-PeV range. These neutrinos likely originate from extragalactic sources given their apparent isotropic distribution. Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) form a class of astronomical objects which are promising neutrino source candidates given their high electromagnetic luminosity and potential ability to accelerate cosmic rays up to energies larger than 10$^{16}$ eV. Interactions of these cosmic rays within the AGN environment are expected to produce both neutrinos and pionic gamma rays. Some hadronic models of AGN emission suggest that such gamma rays can in turn interact with the dense photon fields of AGN and cascade down to hard X-rays and MeV gamma rays. We will present our plan to perform a stacking analysis and a catalog search for point sources with IceCube data to find possible signatures of high-energy neutrinos from hard X-ray sources sampled from the $\textit{Swift}$-BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey (BASS).

Collaboration The IceCube Collaboration

Primary authors

Sreetama Goswami (The University of Alabama) Marcos Santander (The University of Alabama) Dr James Delaunay (The University of Alabama) George C. Privon (National Radio Astronomy Observatory)

Presentation materials