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30 May 2022 to 4 June 2022
Virtual Seoul
Asia/Seoul timezone

Measurement of $\nu_{\mu}$ charged-current interactions on iron using a nuclear emulsion detector in the NINJA experiment

Not scheduled
Virtual Seoul

Virtual Seoul

Poster Neutrino interactions Poster


Hitoshi Oshima (Toho University)


The NINJA collaboration aims to study neutrino-nucleus interactions in the energy range of hundreds of MeV to a few GeV using an emulsion-based detector. Nuclear emulsion is suitable for precise measurement of positions and angles of charged particles from neutrino interactions since it has a sub-$\mu$m spatial resolution. It is capable of detecting slow protons as low as 200$\,$MeV/$c$, which is a distinct advantage compared to other detectors. Data in this presentation was taken from the exposure of a 65$\,$kg iron target in 2016 to the neutrino beam corresponding to $4.0 \times 10^{19}$ protons on target. Based on 183 candidate events of neutrino-iron charged current interactions in the target, the cross section was successfully measured using the emulsion detector. In addition, multiplicities and kinematics of muons, charged pions and protons emitted from the events were measured and compared with a Monte Carlo simulation. We will present these results of the NINJA 65$\,$kg iron target run.

Collaboration The NINJA Collaboration

Primary author

Hitoshi Oshima (Toho University)


Shigeki Aoki (Kobe University) Tsutomu Fukuda (Nagoya University) Yoshinari Hayato (University of Tokyo, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, Kamioka Observatory) Tatsuya Kikawa (Kyoto University) Tomokazu Matsuo (Nagoya University) Yusuke Morimoto (Toho University) Tsuyoshi Nakaya (Kyoto University) Satoru Ogawa (Toho University) Osamu Sato (Nagoya University) Hiroshi Shibuya (Kanagawa University)

Presentation materials