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30 May 2022 to 4 June 2022
Virtual Seoul
Asia/Seoul timezone

Exploring the Potential of Multi-Detector Analyses for Core-Collapse Supernova Neutrino Detectio

Not scheduled
Virtual Seoul

Virtual Seoul

Poster Astrophysical neutrinos Poster


The time profile of neutrino emissions from core-collapse supernovae contains unique information about the dynamics of the collapsing stars and the behavior of particles in dense en- vironments. The observation of neutrinos from the SN1987A supernova, in the Large Magellanic Cloud, marked the beginning of neutrino astronomy. To date, no other supernova neutrino obser- vation has been made. It is therefore essential to investigate the impact of the supernova properties on the neutrino light curves expected in current and future experiments. In this contribution, we study the effect of the progenitor mass, the neutrino mass hierarchy and the magnetic field on neutrino observations. Here we consider the impact of these parameters on neutrino light curves which would be observed at the KM3NeT, DUNE, and DarkSide experiments. We identify areas of complementarity between these three experiments and discuss how to combine their observations to allow to discriminate between different supernova models.

Primary authors

Meriem Bendahman (Laboratoire Astroparticules et Cosmologie, Université de Paris, Paris / Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University, Rabat) Dr Sonia El Hedri (Laboratoire Astroparticules et Cosmologie, Universite ́ de Paris, Paris) Dr Matteo Bugli (CEA Saclay, Department of Astrophysics) Dr Antoine Kouchner (Laboratoire Astroparticules et Cosmologie, Universite ́ de Paris, Paris) Dr Yahya Tayalati (Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University, Rabat)

Presentation materials