SBND is a time-projection chamber detector that collects ionisation electrons and scintillation
photons from liquid argon (LArTPC). It is located 110 m downstream the Booster Neutrino
Beam target at Fermilab. SBND physics program includes BSM searches (HNL, light dark
matter..) and R&D in new scintillation detection technologies. With a light yield up to 100
detected photo-electrons/MeV, the photodetection system (PDS) provides trigger
capabilities, cosmic rays rejection (a large background due to near-surface detector
location), and complementary calorimetry. The PDS includes PMTs and X-Arapuca sensors,
a novel technology that features single photo-electron resolution at cryogenic temperatures.
Proper simulation of the light readout and reconstruction is key for a precise determination of
the interaction time (t0) and energy reconstruction, thus improving background rejection. In
this poster, we show that photon reconstruction with X-Arapucas within 10% energy
resolution is possible in SBND, enhancing the timing resolution. Future LArTPC experiments
such as DUNE will also incorporate X-Arapucas in their PDS.
Collaboration | SBND |