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30 May 2022 to 4 June 2022
Virtual Seoul
Asia/Seoul timezone

Beaming bunches of neutrinos across the Earth to telegraph and comunicate faster then light

Not scheduled
Virtual Seoul

Virtual Seoul

Poster New neutrino technologies Poster


Neutrinos, of course, cannot fly faster than light. A decade ago this illusion was spread among CERN and Gran Sasso teams, but it was soon found inconsistent (1) and, later, wrong. However a rich bunch of neutrinos while crossing the whole Earth volume, might reach the target earlier than any light signal. Indeed any light trajectory have to circumnavigate along a longer Earth circle or arc, while neutrino flight is a direct, shorter one. The muon neutrino detectors at tens GeVs as large as present ICECUBE, Gigaton array, or Megatons ones as Deep Core or Hyper.Kamiokande, might observe one or few trace of upgoing muon track among the thousands of billions neutrino beamed (2) from CERN or FermiLab accelerators. Such telegraph comunication system might be a very useful tool for future speculative fast economy responses. But such beaming might also test the Earth interior, the peculiar Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein effect, and , in principle, rare fundamental quantum phenomena while correlating neutrino bunch with a photon bunch observed later on same target place.

Primary author

Daniele Fargion (MIFP:Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics, Rome, Italy)

Presentation materials