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30 May 2022 to 4 June 2022
Virtual Seoul
Asia/Seoul timezone

Lepton collider probes for Majorana neutrino effective interactions

Not scheduled
Virtual Seoul

Virtual Seoul

Poster BSM searches in neutrinos Poster


Tomás Urruzola Abdala (Instituto de Física - Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad de la República - Uruguay) Gabriel Damián Zapata (IFIMAR (CONICET - UNMDP))


The extension of the standard model with new high-scale weakly coupled physics involving right-handed neutrinos in an effective field theory framework (SMNEFT) allows for a systematic study of heavy neutrinos phenomenology in current and future experiments. We exploit the outstanding angular resolution in future lepton colliders to study the sensitivity of forward-backward asymmetries to discover the possible single production of heavy Majorana neutrinos via e+e− → N ν, followed by a purely leptonic decay N → μ−μ+ν or a semi-leptonic decay N → μ−jj, for masses mN > 50 GeV.
In this regime, we consider the N production and decays to be dominated by scalar and vectorial four-fermion d = 6 single NR operators. This is an alternative analysis to searches using displaced vertices and fat jets, in a higher mass regime, where the N is short-lived but can be found by the angular distribution of its decay products. We find that a forward-backward asymmetry between the final muons in the pure leptonic decay mode provides a sensitivity up to 12σ for mN = 100 GeV, for effective couplings α = 0.2 and new physics scale Λ = 1 TeV. In the case of the semi-leptonic decay, we can compare the final muon and higher pT jet flight directions, again finding up to 12σ sensitivity to the effective signals.

Primary authors

Tomás Urruzola Abdala (Instituto de Física - Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad de la República - Uruguay) Gabriel Damián Zapata (IFIMAR (CONICET - UNMDP)) Dr Lucía Duarte (IFFC - Universidad de la República - Uruguay) Dr Oscar A. Sampayo (IFIMAR (CONICET - UNMDP))

Presentation materials