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Analysis of hypernuclear events in nuclear emulsion

Not scheduled


Jong Yoon Sohn (Gyeongsang National University)


Nuclear emulsion is a very old detector, but still used for S=-2 hypernuclear experiment and tau neutrino experiment etc. thanks to its best spatial resolution less than 1 $\mu$m. In case of S=-2 hypernuclear experiment, it plays a role of 3D image detector which can be seen tracks with micrometric length, while it plays a role of precision tracker in neutrino experiment. In order to observe S=-2 hypernuclei which is nuclei contained two hyperons, we need distinguish three vertices within tiny space around $\Xi^-$ capture at rest. Therefore, it is possible to identify S=-2 hypernuclei by using the nuclear emulsion detector. We obtained the tomographic image data of $\Xi^-$ tracks using “Track following method” for J-PARC E07 experiment whose goal is a systematic study of S=-2 hypernuclei. Among them, some candidate events of S=-1 and S=-2 nuclei were selected. We will introduce these candidate events and the analysis method how to select them.

Primary author

Jong Yoon Sohn (Gyeongsang National University)


Chun Sil Yoon (Gyeongsang National University)

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