Nuclear emulsion is a very old detector, but still used for S=-2 hypernuclear experiment and tau neutrino experiment etc. thanks to its best spatial resolution less than 1 $\mu$m. In case of S=-2 hypernuclear experiment, it plays a role of 3D image detector which can be seen tracks with micrometric length, while it plays a role of precision tracker in neutrino experiment. In order to observe S=-2 hypernuclei which is nuclei contained two hyperons, we need distinguish three vertices within tiny space around $\Xi^-$ capture at rest. Therefore, it is possible to identify S=-2 hypernuclei by using the nuclear emulsion detector. We obtained the tomographic image data of $\Xi^-$ tracks using “Track following method” for J-PARC E07 experiment whose goal is a systematic study of S=-2 hypernuclei. Among them, some candidate events of S=-1 and S=-2 nuclei were selected. We will introduce these candidate events and the analysis method how to select them.