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Study of the potential barrier effects in the localized electric field of InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Solar Cell using photoreflectance spectroscopy

13 Oct 2022, 15:00
1h 30m
Applied Physics (PC) 포스터 발표


Taein Kang (Yeungnam University)


To investigate the potential barrier effect in the localized electric field of a quantum dot solar cell, we fabricated it with and without 2.8nm Al0.75Ga0.25As potential barriers. The localized electric fields of both structures with and without potential barriers were estimated using a fast Fourier transform of photoreflectance spectra. The signal of the wetting layer and Franz-Keldysh oscillation were increased with embedded Al0.75Ga0.25As potential barriers. An induced modulation efficiency increment caused this phenomenon, and the localized electric field of a sample with the potential barriers was smaller than without barriers due to the screening effect. When potential barriers were embedded, the localized electric field was affected by them, and it could be explained by the carrier confinement effect between the potential barriers. In addition, it was examined through the temperature dependency of photoreflectance spectra in detail. The localized electric field was increased with increasing temperature, which was caused by the photovoltaic effect.

Primary authors

Taein Kang (Yeungnam University) Jaedu Ha (Yeungnam University) Gyung Du Park (Yeungnam University) Jiseong Go (Yeungnam University) Jong Won Cha (Yeungnam University) Sang Jun Lee (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science)


Jong Su Kim (Yeungnam University)

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